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The tale of three IT Parks

Over the past year, we have worked with 3 prominent IT park & SEZ developers in the country namely Brookfield India, Blackstone and more recently Bagmane Developers in Bangalore, working on standardizing the wayfinding experience within their individual many properties. Whilst the user profile was similar, how the brand agreed to address their navigational issues, was unique in each of these branded campuses.


This was a single campus development though it had an old part (few towers) & when we were hired, they were in a new phase of development and both these phases were a substantial years apart. Here the challenge was in integrating the product design scheme with the brand expectations & positioning of the new identity/development with the older phase. Our design response took into cognizance, this duality and we tried to express this in the simplicity of form in the informational area contrasting it with the dynamism of form in the base which reflected the aspirations of the new brand/development.


Candor Tech Space (Brookfeild Asset Management)

Our work with Candor was to standardize their wayfinding experience and more importantly, their brand experience as Candor had acquired 5 existing Unitech IT parks. In addition to establishing this new brand, the wayfinding program also had to accommodate future buildings which were yet to be planned but at the time of our appointment, were told will most certainly be.

In this project, it was hence paramount to look at a modular sign system that could respond and evolve with the changing needs of the development.


We started working on standardising the wayfinding experience across 2 such large campuses for Bagmane in 2020. This has now been extended to cover 5 large & sometimes, interconnected campuses. Our focus here has been to create a visually bold sign system that is the common identity/experience that binds all the sites together.


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